Aaaaaand if I was computer savvy I'd post a pic of the car ha!!

Here's how you post a picture.

1. Take a picture that you like with your camera. (Not blurry).

2. download to your computer.

3. Open it up in "Paint" and resize to 40%, then save (I like to keep the original and use a new name for the resize).

4. Then go to the thread that you want to post it in and click on the "advanced" button.

5. Then click on the paperclip and a pop up box will come up.

6. Click on the first "choose file" button and find the file on your hard drive, click on it and then click the "open" button on the bottom of the window.

7. After you have chosen all of the pictures that you want to post, then click on the "upload" button at the bottom of that section.

8. Wait for the files to download, you will see them listed in the box when you are done.

9. Then click the red "x" at the top of the window and close it.

10. Then click on the paperclip again, and you can choose each picture to load individually, or use the "post all" button.

11. Then click the "submit reply" button below the box.