cleaning up the slant six head

So heres a kind of dumb question, when porting the intake, how do you get all the way up the #1 and 6 runners?

BTW check out the link Bill gave and if you computer illiterate like me click on the button that talks about extrude honing, I just happened upon it trying to figure out what Bill was trying to have us see.

Sounds very interesting and I may go ahead and have this done to my intake.

I mean if the cost is 100 buck or 150 ( just guessing ) than that is doable for me and just for kicks Id like to see what sort of difference it might make. Only makes sense to me that anything that can be done to increase air flow/efficiency will be a bonus and although it may seem like I am pissin in the wind ( cause the engine is going in a slow truck ) I dont feel that way cause the truck for me is a keeper. I dont often sell things.

Im gonna read more about it.

My biggest problem would be seeing the advantages whilst driving since I dont have much/anything to compare it to.

Also can they do cast iron, looking at their prices now it may be un-feasable. Im gonna contact them anyway

EDIT: Cast Iron Intake (any)- $865

Im out :)