Aint this a laugh? (vehicle registration)

Same here, I pay 47 bucks a year for the tag. If I wanted year of manufacture plates I would be limited in driving too.

They are gonna get their money one way or the other, even if it's dishonest.

Dishonest? You know it!

I registered the '73 last year (regular registration) in March or April... TWICE, plus additional fees because PennDOT screwed up... Oh don't worry, they've got fine-print that covers their butts, they're not responsible for any errors or mistakes.

Here it is, a year later, I still don't have that registration I paid for. So when my temporary registration expired (it's supposed to be there for you until your registration card & plate sticker arrive), I had no choice but to park my '73 even though the weather was still very nice and perfect to be driving around in a 340 Duster.