Aint this a laugh? (vehicle registration)

It is a deal, over that amount of time. (Provided you can drive it, like you do) I was referring to them charging twice, to register it as a Classic or Antique with your own supplied vintage plate. As well as the fact that Seasonal Registration is pretty much a joke too, since you pay full price for it after the first year. You'd think it'd be priced to match the amount of months the vehicle is registered. Instead, they charge you as if it was a full year, even if it's only valid for 6 months or whatever amount you pick.

I just know if I end up putting Classics/Antiques on one of the toys, the first time I have one of em out on the road for more than one day in a week, I'll get the blue & red light special showing up in the rear-view mirror (okay, only if it's the Duster, the '48 wasn't ordered with a rear-view mirror option :D). It's just the way my luck works.

You'd think they'd revise the regulations a bit, people with Classic/Antique tagged vehicles want to drive em more than once a week (usually) if the weather is nice.