Aint this a laugh? (vehicle registration)

I put the YOM (vintage) plate on the Dart. I already had the antique plate on the car. I can't stand the antique plate with a Model T picture on it. I can justify the additional $75 because it's a once-and-done deal. No more registration, inspection, or renewals. Plus I think the car looks cool with a '69 plate on it. I have another '69 plate for the Charger if I ever get done with it.
As far as the one day a week thing, consider that a "guideline". I don't get my cars out often but if it's a nice weekend they might be out Friday thru Sunday. The key is the car can't be used for daily transportation. If they see someone with an antique truck at Home Depot tossing 2x4s in they're getting a ticket. friend has picked up stuff at Home Depot in his antique truck! That was his "once a week" drive! :D

(It's a 1947, rind of a rat-rod...he does have antique plates on it.)