Book of Knowledge

When I read a thread that I want to keep I download it and put in a binder. I made a dozen or so tabs. I do the same with articles from magazines. Tech tips from catalogs and the like also get added.
What do the rest of you do?

Mike, are you talking virtual binder? Like in a folder?

I too have been looking for a way to organize a system so that I can collect and sort web pages, etc. I have been especially wanting to find a system to store and organize specific FABO threads that I have found to be very helpful / useful.

Recently I had a conversation with my wife about this, as she is a little more savvy on the computer them me. She likes to go to a site called "Pinterest" which I think might work just for this. I am going to download the app and see if it will work. (Pinterest has a feature of "sharing" your stuff with friends, but it also has a section for just your own stuff that you can organize it).

Hoping maybe someone here has a Pinterest account that can chime in here...