Book of Knowledge

Mike, are you talking virtual binder? Like in a folder?

I too have been looking for a way to organize a system so that I can collect and sort web pages, etc. I have been especially wanting to find a system to store and organize specific FABO threads that I have found to be very helpful / useful.

Recently I had a conversation with my wife about this, as she is a little more savvy on the computer them me. She likes to go to a site called "Pinterest" which I think might work just for this. I am going to download the app and see if it will work. (Pinterest has a feature of "sharing" your stuff with friends, but it also has a section for just your own stuff that you can organize it).

Hoping maybe someone here has a Pinterest account that can chime in here...

You can make folders and folders inside of folders in your favorites on the computer.
Just make a folder in your favorites called "Car Stuff" and a folder inside of that called "Engine" and another called "electrical" and another called "Trans" and so on.

Then when you want to save a page or article or whatever navigate your Favorites to where it should be saved.

In my Favorites I have a folder called "Mopar Stuff" and there are a bunch of website links and folders inside of that.

Works great.