
They live in our hearts forever.

I still love every animal/pet that I ever had.

I would rather deal with the sadness of losing them, rather than not to have known them and their love in the first place. The happiness that they bring to our lives, more than makes up for the sadness when we loose them.

But it still doesn't keep us from missing them and feeling sad. I hated having to put my last one down. It was the worst thing that I've ever done. Even though I knew his time had come and the vet told me, I still feel bad that I had to do it.

Hang in there.

"I would rather deal with the sadness of losing them, rather than not to have known them and their love in the first place. The happiness that they bring to our lives, more than makes up for the sadness when we loose them."

Fired up the tears again......I feel the same way. Sadness is a part of life. Blue gave us 11 fun years....a few days of sadness seems like such a small payment. Blue was the second friend we have seen leave us since moving to Washington. I still think about Mr. Max everyday.....
As hard as this is to do,its best.Blue is in a better place now.Will you be replacing him with another Coon hound in the future?

Have not talked about that yet. Ernie does not want another dog that slobbers...which Blue did not but his brother Red is a master of it...yet she wants a French Mastiff....There was a family that bred Redbones, I have not seen them in a year or so. There goats & geese are still there, they have someone feeding them....if they ever come back maybe so....have not seen any other ones around here....