Will GM 200r4 work with factory floor shift location?

Here's the parts list and some of the pricing. I was shooting for around $650 for the 2004R overhaul. Ended up spending close to $900. But that's not too bad considering they bought the shift kit with all the valve body and servo springs and other items to make all the modifications I wanted. Modified valve bodies cost $300-400 by themselves!! It also included the hardened shell and hardened stator support, drilling the 1/4" hole in the front pump for better oil return, new pump assy w/10 vane pump, all new Torrington bearings, high pref. band, all new bushings, high perf. TV and Rev boost valves and a number of other modifications. If you look at my previous post you can go through all the mods that were checked off in the shift kit instruction sheet. To put icing on the cake, they also ran the tranny on their dyno to guarantee that everything works properly and all pressures were correct. For the dyno test they used the non locking torque converter that I will use in the tranny. It comes with a THREE YEAR warranty. You can't beat that!!!!!!!

$481 Adapter
$900 Transmission (with warranty)
$19 speedo cable
Few other odds and ends

It will probably end up costing me around $1700 when it's all said and done.

It's still a lot cheaper than 3K for the Gearvendor. The best part of all is the fact that if I have a problem with the tranny I don't have to pull it and ship it off to another state to get checked. Minimal down time if something goes wrong. This is important for me as my Barracuda is a daily driver.
