Inside rear deck of duster

Another question is I have a 72 dart im tearing apart. I know the trays are not the same but the front part of the tray is the same as dusters with regular back seats. Could I cut it out and cut the fold down seat tray to match the dart tray and weld those together or would that not work or would that be crazy.

You could do it, but I'm not sure that would be the easiest thing to do. It's not crazy, but that would be a lot of welding to do.

Why do you want to get rid of the fold down seat/package tray? I know you said it was "hacked up", but a couple of pictures would go a long way for us to understand what you're dealing with. If we know what you need to fix, it'll be a lot easier to decide how "crazy" it would be to section and weld in another package tray.

Maybe I'm just partial to the fold down seat. Comes in super handy, I hauled a set of Duster doors home in my Duster a few days ago. Would have been a lot harder without the fold down. But I have a lot of projects, so I do haul a lot of parts.