What is it that makes FABO the best MoPar site?
Wow what more can be said about this great site that has not been said yet :glasses7:
For me it has been a ride in life to be a part of this great bunch of folks here
that has showed me there is many good men and ladies out in the world that are
caring and so very helpful and I have received knowledge and excepted me to be me :glasses7: I have learned
allot here and it is more then a site to learn from anymore, it is a site I can wake up to and log in to, I now feel like I am checking on family :coffee2:
I know I am not the sharpest knife in the very large drawer but I feel good when I can answer a tech question to help a member, but it was because I learned it here.
There has been many times I get a PM from a new member asking a question about something that I have to go look for an answer by using the search button :cheese: just because of my post count :D But I must say I can read and right/spell 10 times better then I could the day I joined this great place I call home
Thanks for all the love and care I receive here..:wav: