
As I slowly empty my tears for you I remember the day I had to do the same thing for my 16 year friend Maggie. As I held her head I never cried so hard as she took her last breath and looked at me as to say( It is okay my friend I will see you again) 16 years is a long time and many great memories. I feel so bad for you but rest asure he hurts no more and you will never see him suffer again. I had Maggie cermated and she will be buried with me when I go past RainBow Bridge to gather all my other pets and wander off to Heaven. Shortly after this My wife called me to prepare me for what she found. While taking her dinner break at work she went into the park behind work and watched a car slow down and throw out a puppy. She brought it home and it has attached herself to me and has become a constant companion. The simple fool even jumped out my truck window and shattered her right rear leg and had to have it taken off. Thorough all this she has not lost a step and has got to go where I go even to the Jonh. No she will never be Maggia but she has become My Mollie. I went from a Aussie Shepherd to a Aussie. Kelpie but we are great friends . As I type this she is at my feet just waiting for my next move. I feel better just telling you this and did not want to bend your ear but this is my way of telling you( you are never alone with all your Abody friends around) All the best my friend Steve aka. DUSTERDOWNS