CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

Back seat hell!
You're co-pilot!!!!!!!!!!
You were always ready for an adventure looking for abodies and others too.

Yeah when it rains it pours.
I had gotten a pretty cool job at a local RV center for about 6 weeks before I had to turn in notice due to getting another job for more money closer to home. Hope I didn't F up since I like the RV center job so much and the people were really cool to me there.
They said to go check out the other job for 3 weeks and if I didn't like it I could come back!
They also would like me to work on days I'm off at my other job. They want me to do demonstrations with customers on their newly purchased units when they come in for pick up.
They said they had gotten a lot of customer comments on how well liked I was and such a great personality.
I had one customer that told me I kiss good butt! LMAO!!
He is a retired marine and was using a walker for knee surgery. I would always open all the doors for him while he was there. He came in for a look see on a back up camera screen he was getting. He was looking at the screen and the camera was aimed towards us. He said "Boy that sure is a clear picture and color."
I said "yeah and look at that handsome young man in the picture too."
He said, "You kiss good butt John".
I said, "I wasn't talking about you, I was referring to me"
He says, 'Good come back John and fast too!"
We both had a good laugh.
They were doing surveys 3 days after the customer picked up and they told me they hadn't ever had so many compliments on the service personnel before but had gotten more on me in 6 weeks that most in service gets in a year!
It was always a good feeling when I was helping the customer out, and it paid off in the long run.
To heck with the golden rule. I was using the platinum rule;
Do onto others, better than you would have them do unto you.
I always treated them better than myself and always considered them friends when they were leaving. Especially liked talking and sharing war stories with all the retired veterans that would come in. We were always instant friends as soon as they knew I was a vet too. I was the only vet in the service department. Ooo-Rah!:glasses7:

Nice talking with you again chryslerfat, you were always nice to me and always treated me like a good friend. That's why you got shotgun!! If ABB goes with us, she has to sit in the middle though! LOL

As we have said from day one karma must eventually shine on you after helping everyone you have through life. Cant wait for the ride again.