Rapom's Rocket - just another Duster build thread
I then tacked together the boxes as before, clamped them into place and drilled the upper and lower holes through the outer skin from the inside for ease of access. Using several spring eye bolts to hold everything in the proper position the inner plates and rod ends, with bushings installed, were assembled with a thin washer on each side to provide clearance for ease of assembly latter. Then the inner side plates were tacked into position, the rod ends removed, and the boxes removed and finish welded. Then they were tacked into position in the frame pockets. Needless to say everything is measured off the reference lines laid out on the garage floor from the stock suspensions pickup points and axle position. All work was checked many times for square and plumb before being tacked into position. Nothing was finish welded until the entire rear suspension was assembled for ease of making any necessary adjustments.
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