Roller cam opinions

like I said before, I didn't list any specifics about my combination or my car. as said, for all you know I have a 273 in a 3600 pound car. so, for you to tell me that my car doesn't run good is idiotic on your part. but please.....tell me more about my car that you have never been around.

you say your point is that a roller cam is not necessary to make good power and your motor is proof of that. the problem with that is that the OP didn't ask if he should go with a roller for more power. he stated that he was going with a roller and wanted to know about what set ups were best. he never said a word about wanting to make more power.

you can try to play it off if you want, but the simple fact is that you thought this was a good place to dump how cool you are all over us. thats because you sir, are a showman. you are one of those fine gentleman who wants everyone to look at you and what your car can do. the type of guy who wants to be seen, and who wants a big pat on the back for just being so dang cool. well friend, if there was a button for me to click on here that would give you that pat on the back, I would move the mouse over to it and just click the crap out of it as fast as I could. then the rest of us could have a conversation about things and you could go on and be happy for a while. I have read a few other threads on the site where folks have called you out for the same thing. on this very thread one man has already got a laugh out of you stroking your ego. however, they must all just be jealous because you are faster and pull bigger wheel stands than they do.

now, as far as your haters will always hate comment....I am not a hater of you sir. I love the fact that you are so fast and pull such big wheel stands. I love it because I think its cool that after someone slow like me puts your fast wheel standing ego out in the 1st round, that you can get from one end of the pits to the other in 6.30 seconds and wheel stand it right up on the trailer without having to put the ramps out. that sir is cool.

I'm done.

P.S.- if you are gonna keep showing off the bottom of your car doing those wheel stands then how about get under there and clean things up a little bit. a dirty and cruddy underside is not cool for a guy with such an ego.

What a dumbass. lisas dart has won more bracket races than most people dream about.The last 2 years she made it down to the last 5 cars at the ET finals in a 175 car field. Lisa and I have 7 track championchips between us and wallys to prove it. Look in the January 31 issue of National Dragster under member tracks /division seven results and you will see both our names for winning and runner up in bracket racing. I have been building and racing cars for over 25 years and have several customer race cars at the track that have won many races also.Yes I am proud of lisa car and the progress it has made over the years but saying i have an IGO is just taliking out your *** because there are alot nicer cars at the track than my Dart . I post to help people because I have some very good life experience in the race world but its people like you who just open up their wallet and don't have a clue on the mechanical end of their car and then think they have all the awnsers on these forums.

It is not my intent to come on here and turn it to a bash session but it seem to happen more often than not, and that is why alot of real good/smart people refuse to en gauge in internet forums.

Install that roller cam and go have some fun...Later