Interior Light Wiring Issue - 69 Barracuda

Hi all. I've had my car up and running since last fall and installed a painless wiring kit to get her going but as the kit states, I had to reuse some of my existing wiring for the interior lights to work and I'm in a bit of a pickle. I've never owned this car while it was all together so I'm flying a little blind when trying to get the existing wiring to work with the painless stuff. Here's what I need help with...

The wiring that comes off the light switch and runs to the door jam switch(s), the map light and glove box light. So far I've got the yellow wire that comes off the light switch wired to the door jam switches and when I open the doors the two interior rear pillar lights do come on so I know that's right but I've got no idea what the pink wire goes to that has the male connector and 2 wires coming out the back. If I'm looking at the wiring diagram correctly I think the final female connection at the end of the pink wiring goes to the glove box light but I'm kind of lost since I'm not using a time delay or the lights on buzzer. Can someone please point me in the right direction.

I can take more pictures if need be and answer any questions if my description is at all confusing. Thanks.