My Best Friend Made This Guitar, R.I.P.

That is one sweet axe !!
I love it !!
Reminds me of Randy Rhodes v hence the polka dots .
I'm sorry for your loss !!!
You will be in my prayers that God will give you peace that surpasses all understanding .
I lost my Dad on May 7 last year and I got a telecaster he had . He taught me my first chords and of coarse smoke on the water !!!
I play his tele more then all my others at the moment .
I put dimarzio transition pickups in it and love it !!

What pickup is in that sweet explorer ?
One big blessing every time you play it you will think of him !!
God Bless

Thanks! As far as the pick-ups and whatnot, I don't really know what kind they are? Polka dots were my buddy's trademark. Every guitar he built had polka dots.
Sorry for your loss also, and thank you for the kind words!