FABO Member Tony Fields Needs Our Prayers & Well Wishes

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. They are
really comforting. I love you guys and gals!

Went to see my cardiologist on Wednesday for my normal
follow up visit. Told him what I had been going thru for the
last week...swollen feet, ankles, and legs. Had to sit up in bed
to try to sleep. No energy at all...walk 25 feet then have to rest.
Sounds like the normal symptoms for blocked arteries in the heart
just like before.

He decided to admit me to the Hospital while I was there. The Hospital
is in the same building. Community South in Indy.

Had a heart cath. on Thursday. I was hoping they would find something
wrong with the plumbing. That way they could put in another stint
and I could be on my way.

No such luck. My arteries were all clear...and yes that was a good thing.

The cardiologist found what he believes is Constrictive pericarditis. He is
conferring with other cardiologist to see if they agree with him before
he makes plans to ship me out to the Cleveland Clinic.

Here's the meaning:

Chronic constrictive pericarditis, a rare disease that develops scar-like, fibrous tissue forms throughout the pericardium.
The tissue shrinks over time and puts pressure on the heart. When this happens the heart cannot enlarge as it should
and more pressure is need to fill the heart. This in turn causes fluid to collect in the veins, then leak out and cause
swelling (edema) in other parts of the body.

The bad part is I lost 40-50% of my heart function back in 1991
when I had my heart attack so it is weak to start with.

If all of the Doctors agree then open heart surgery will be in order and like
I said that would probably be done in the Cleveland Clinic.

If that happens I'll try to bring the FABO banner with we so you
members in the Cleveland area can sign it. I might be just kidding
on this one. We'll see:D

My fingers are getting tired ....gotta go

Thanks again and Love all of my FABO family.
