Stubborn starting question...

Sad. isn't it? That's why I recommended dealers that cater to car enthusiasts. No personal knowledge that their kits aren't assembled right off the oreilly truck at the back door, but one can always hope. I keep trying to be optimistic that enough returns will wake the industry up. Then, in my darker moments, I think that no matter how cynical I get - I can't keep up!! But we're wandering off topic here, and no help to the original poster.
sorry. guy!


I no long am so sure what to recommend for conversion. Parts store quality is changing for the worse. I still really lean towards a Mopar breakerless distributor triggering a GM HEI module. Whether you upgrade the coil or not, you can eliminate the ballast resistor and this will give you a hotter spark.

Many guys have good luck with Pertronix. I say if you go Pertronix, buy two, so you have enough spare stuff to fix it on the road. That's because you can't buy spares everywhere.

If you can find a couple of clean junkyard Mopar ECU's cheap they work fine. Not sure I'd buy new parts store ones.