Anybody want to help on a school project?

As Captain Kirk would do, it's time to change the rules of the game. You have asked the wrong questions, or to put it another way, you have not asked ALL the questions. You have asked ONLY questions which will SKEW your poll in such a way that will SHADE the poll in a biased manner. This is a poor way to start your young life, as it continues the useless polls we've had for that last 100 years, regardless of which side of the political fence you are on. That is, the pollsters are always biased, and always set polls up to reflect that bias.

Your very first question for example, sets bias in the mind of the reader because it leaves no room for thinking that there might not BE any. Gobal warming, that is.

"How much have you thought about global warming before today?"

What if I believe there IS NO global warming, or that "global change" is part of a normal global or even a regional or just cyclic change?"

Your second question.........

"From what you have heard or read, do you believe increases in the Earth's temperature over the last century are due more to................."

suggests that the second question is in fact CORRECT in fact. What if this question is in fact INCORRECT? Do YOU know that this is in fact correct, that in fact the earth has in fact warmed over the last century? Hey, I'm just askin, here.............?

I could go on, point by point, but I see no need to. Each one of these questions is obviously slanted in such a way as to suggest that "a murder has been committed" so to speak, as if "the deceased is lying in the living room floor"

Now I am not saying that "the deceased" "is" or "is not" "lying" "on the living room floor" so to speak, what I am saying is, that your questions are all crafted in a manner BIASED manner to SUGGEST or to STATE that this is so.

Maybe there IS a permanent change taking place

MAYBE there is a CYCLIC change taking place.

Remember, if you will, the earth went through what is known as the ice age, would you not agree that this could be called a cyclic change? Would you have called this "global cooling?" Would you have blamed this on man? No? I didn't think so.

Again, I'm not saying whether these present changes are good are bad.

I'm not saying we should blunder blindly away digging and burning coal and fossils

I think my house should be covered in solar panels, unfortunately I cannot afford to buy them.

But I'm not quite ready beam me up Scotty, either

Speaking of the devil himself what's capt been up to

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