Man I do NOT have the suds, anymore

I can feel your pain...I need a 2nd surgery on my cervical spine but now the Comp. board and insurance company are say there will be no benefit from it...So here I sit in severe pain and I get so pissed off that I cant do the things that I love to do while they dictate what they will approve...Then to top it all off they want me to go back to work...I sleep for about 2 hours a night because of the pain...It is a accident looking for a place to happen....(which they wont let me go back as a Technician/mechanic because of the injury)..They are just trying to get out of paying me what is due... And they want me to be a greeter at Walmart or something similar...If I go back to work it will prove that I don't need comp anymore, it is one big game...And not to mention that my right hand doesn't work anymore due to the nerve damage...It sucks...Bill