Man I do NOT have the suds, anymore

I have a shoulder all effed up myself. I'm "putting it off" because my knees are so bad. I've recently changed doctors, and they got a hit on gout (uric acid) The "might be" good news is that after two weeks they say the meds are bringing down the acid levels.

I used to ride the living crap out of recumbent bikes

This is a two wheeler I built out of junkers about 2000 after my "big crash" This bike is built out of parts that I had when I was a kid in the '60's and some of those parts were around when my DAD was a kid. The crank and bearing, for one!!!

Rode it about 3-4 years, but my knees started going downhill. Bought this Sun trike new

and it had a multi - morph over several years. I added a 2 stroke..........swing arm off one of them kids scooters, only used that a couple of times, then put an electric on, didn't use that much, tried to save it for when my legs got cramped. Tore the front end off and built the horrid mess you see here........hand cranks. It did work OK, but no good way to mount shifters n' brakes.

Then several years ago I bought the newer underseat steering rig. I intended to make it into a "rowing" setup but never have. But the last two years I've needed more and more electric and have been able to pedal less and less. This spring about all I can do is pedal round and round without exerting much pressure at all. It just plain HURTS

The "new doc" Xrayed my knees and says it's not osteo arthritis. My joints "look" OK. "It's something else." I hope he finds it.