Bacon prices going way up

The mandatory use of ethanol has driven up the price of food for humans as well as animal feed. It is a misguided policy with its' origins in the 1970s oil embargoes. There is really no reason for North America to import oil for auto fuel if our resources could be utilized without governmental interference.

The porcine epidemic diarrhea virus that is killing baby pigs only exacerbates the problem with pork/food prices. Ignorant politicians in the USA have forgotten (or ignored) the fact that access to reasonably priced food and water should trump the concerns of energy firms, huge corporations who thrive on farm subsidies (ADM) and environmentalist wackos that drive up the price of basic family subsistence. Using grain for fuel greatly increases the cost of animal feed and the cost of every source of food for human nutrition directly or indirectly. Nowhere else on Earth is such idiocy employed.

The basic problem lies with unqualified politicians who have entrenched themselves to preserve the interests of themselves and their financial backers, and that applies to both major political parties.

There's no reason why hard working citizens should be forced into government assistance to feed their families. The politicians have stacked the deck to make everyone dependent upon them.

Sorry about the rant, but please think about it.