My friends old Bee, unrestored too....he slapped some chrome magnum rims on it since the pics and has sold it.....:banghead:
My friend knows the guy who bought it, he was gonna paint it,,,,my friend talked him outta it and he will leave the 50K mile paint remain...only taking out a few minor dents and touch up.....survivors are the best Mopar and once painted, that factory correctness is gone...BTW, the traction bars on this car were blue.......I crawled under the car and spray bombed them black to hide them....the car also had a blue pinion snubber on it...further inspection revealed that those parts had "S&M" stamped in them...Sox and Martin :glasses7:
This car also had almost every Cal Custom part on it....window cranks, valve covers, knife handle dipstick, Holly carb, Torker intake, Cragars, Sun tach....I got the fuel "Cool" can from him for free and installed it my Valiant just to be "Kewl" :glasses7: