I'm home and alive

Let me explain. About the last of Jan. I left to take a Boiler Maker job in Calif. Bumped my head on a low hanging scaffold and what a deal. Just a headache or so I thought. The next morning I woke up with the mother of all headaches and headed for the shower to flood the back of my neck with cold water. No dice for relief. I got my pants on and headed out of the motel to call 911. They were there in about 5 minutes. They placed me in the ambulance and about 5 minutes later I was out. I was hauled to John Muir Hospital and layed on my back for 4.5 weeks as they resolved the issue. Seems the crack I took to the head caused an aneurism. They went up through my groin and put a coil on the vein that was bleeding at the base of my neck. Two days later they did that again higher up. Wasn't expected to live. This all took place in Walnut Creek, Calif.. Two weeks after I was there one of the doctors told me she was gonna pull my death certificate. Two days before I was released another doctor told me had I not been brought there I would have died and my case worker called me a week after I got home and told me she had worked 20 yrs in ICU and the 25 cases she dealt with they lost ALL 25. She was in tears before we finished talking. I know Chip Fetter mentioned this ordeal on here earlier when I was down and out and I know there were those that knew how to touch heavan and I thank you. I'm a walkin miracle. I about to take some therapy with a pole in my hand so i'm on the mend. Do I believe in angels? Does a Mopar run like a scaulded dog? Thanks again guys.