Is Torque King?
^^ It might be basic info but most people got it wrong and give misguided advise the cost people real world dollars $$$
So i might be beating a dead horse so I might as well beat a little more lol
From I get from most of what is being said back to me is Torque is the amount of work being done and Horsepower is the rate of it being done???
If put in electrical terms that's like say Amps (torque) is the amount of electrons (work) and Watts (HP) is the rate they travel through the circuit. And Volts like RPM is a by product that don't seem to mean much.
But like the formula for HP Watt (HP) = Amp (Torque) X Volts (RPM)
Everyone seem to be confusing HP with rate of work instead of Rpm which is the rate of work.