Sad news for guys over 50?

I am coming up on 10 years of marriage. crazy part? I'm 35, the wife is 4-----3? She'd **** if she knew I was unsure of her age...LOL Shes 8 years older then me and we found each other at a time in my life where I was actually not looking, BUT was a "host" for an online chat site. old Lycos Communities. (I actually got paid well for that online time.....) BUT, under a different name as a regular site chatter, I just got to talking to her and we spent like a year talking there and on MSN messenger and then finally met, and well its all history from there.......A year after that, my Daughter was born. and here she and I are, 10 years later, working on 11 years knowing each other and 10 years of marriage.

Thing is? She's happy your happy.....I feel 50 sometimes as I've under gone some pretty serious crap for my age but......I got a 9 year old to see grown too......Plus it doesn't help my 2 step kids, aren't kids no more, one is 23 and the other is 19 be 20.....So yeah, I'm a step-father, to both, and a friend and I think I've done pretty good at that one. and being a Dad to my own, isn't even in question....

Age, guys 50 or not, its only a number!!!!!! Shes smart (And NOT 'cause she married me) but she is because she is, but has a younger sole, I'm older and wiser then my age. Why? WELL I grew up in this hobby of cars, Muscle Cars and rods.....So a lot of my Mentors were then old enough to be my grandfather. So....I get all that honest, I guess. Still got that 35 year old blood tho! Which makes it stink in here cause I'm the ****! ;)