S&P Headers for 5.7

I'd contact Bill at RMS. He used to have a forum on the RMS website, it was there that he discussed stuffing a 5.7L Hemi into an early A. I seem to recall his using an early A since it was so tight, and he modified the TTI headers to fit and this became the model for the TTI headers for use in the 67-76 A bodies with an alterktion.

If the TTIs are out it looks like you're going to have to use Jeep manifolds and modify the engine mount. :(

Depending upon TTIs return policy, you could buy the TTIs and VERY CAREFULLY see if they will fit and return them undamaged if they won't.


Joe Dokes

Joe, thanks for your reply...

As for the TTI's, I know about the thread you are referring to and I've searched bigblockdart endlessly for it and cannot, for whatever reason, find it. Regardless, I have email traffic with Bill a ways after that initial development discussing the TTI headers. He said that they would almost assuredly require frame trimming as they are already very tight on the later a's. With the frame being even narrower on the early a's I have no question in my mind that they wouldn't fit. The only option I see now are the 5.7 S&P short tubes. I do intend to modify my torsion bar crossmember similar to how Tincup did in his '63 Dart and add in some pipes to run my exhaust through. Should improve ground clearance I think, in addition to the fact I'm going to have to modify that crossmember anyhow for the MA5 transmission.