1965 Dodge Dart Charger

Herein Europé we have a totally different system on how to get the right bulb. Dan! You can probably explain that system better then I can!!

Oh, just a little around the edges.

57: T4W
67: R5W
90: No official Euro, but R5W on BA15d base (Philips 12822, Osram 5407, Narva 17172)
158: W3W
168: W5W
1034: P21/5W
1072: P21W
1095: No European equivalent (and obsolete in USA)
1004: Same as 90
1445: No official Euro, but 2W version of T4W (Philips 12913, Osram 3796, Narva 17053)
1891: Same as 1445
1892: Same as 1445
1893: T4W

(In case you run out of NOS American bulbs and need a fast replacement)