Flywheel questions...


Per the post you linked from Clair - "Unfortunately, the flywheel ring gear on the 10.5" flywheel is located too far to the rear to engage the starter bendix. I haven't put juice to the starter yet, but it eyeballs like there will be little, if any, mesh between the bendix and ring gear."

Or maybe you are asking why the stock (not the 3.7L) starter wouldn't engage the ring gear?

Per the same post - "Obviously, you'll need a KJ starter as well, as all the other "typical" Mopar starters don't have the same locating ring on the snout, AND they're too deep as well."

Am I misunderstanding you? If so, I apologize.

No apologies necessary!

I guess I was reading it wrong. For whatever reason I thought it still wouldn't work even with the stock 3.7L starter. I guess that does put the 3.7L bellhousing back on the table when all of the original components are used. I do have some concerns however about using it, such as the passengers side starter, as well as the dual mass flywheel(can anyone confirm this?) that I have no use for. Can anyone find a picture of the 3.7L bell? I thought I stumbled on one a few days ago and then my computer restarted and I haven't yet been able to find it again. I have read that the 3.7/4.7/5.7 have the same crank bolt pattern, can anyone confirm this? Additionally, that only leaves the ability to use the stock 3.7L starter, would it be up to turning over a much larger engine over the long term? Makes me wonder... If the crank bolt patterns were the same I guess it would be possible to use a 4.7L flywheel but in all likelihood those are probably dual mass too.