Ups crooks

UPS exceeds their authority when picking up your package from your local customs
depot, they assume your authorization and or permission to be your broker and pickup
your parcel. You can beat them at there own game . Give the guy a cheque for the 86 bucks , take your parcel , but do not sign the brokerage form. Close the door. Then
cancel the cheque or do the old stop payment on the cheque. They have no legal
recourse because you did not sign their form authorizing them as your broker. It is a bit sleazy but so are they , they screw us for hundreds of thousnds of dollars holding
our packages for ransom , when they were never given permission to be your broker in the first place , or just refuse delievery stating you never authorized them to be your broker, they will have to return your package to your local customs depot and then go pick it up your self. I hate UPS and will not purchase from anyone who insists on using them as a shipper to Canada. USPS is the only way to ship any thing
from the U.S. to here.