NAG1 standalone options

Well then, I guess I can spell it out completely if you like. I am not sure if my trans guy used anything of yours. I know the initial stuff that he got blew up several transmissions. I know that only through multiple popped transmissions, over a year worth of tuning in his race car, was he able to make it work. When we spoke almost two years ago you could make it shift manually or in auto mode, but you had all kinds of issues with the shift logic and the safety features. Coming on here and saying that someone took your stuff when it didn't work in the first place is kinda silly. It took my trans guy 10's of thousands of dollars in R&D to make it work properly. He has it working with full features in a 8 second drag car. If you have anything that significant please.....tell us all about it. Better yet, become a sponsor and help these folks that are stuck. I can't support all these folks with their questions (which I do FOR FREE). I haven't sold a single controller to anyone on this forum. We can't get the price down to be competitive yet. So while we can solve the problem, its still to expensive and not really ready for prime time yet