fastest way to strip paint off car

72 scamp tramp, Can you give me some specifics on the walmart attachment ? I have ruined countless compressors and spent oodles of hours sand blasting car and old tractors....this sounds like an awesome idea keeping it cool in the process. I looked on Walmart nothing is standing out as a pressure washer attachment . Also to mr mopar tech, I'm so curious to take baking soda and water to something I'm about to head to the grocery store, what is the story here?

Bighammer posted pretty much what I used. I think i did my hood in under an hour. Yes you will get sand everywhere but for as long as it takes with anything else it will be less effort. With chemicals you have to let it set up, then scrap it. Then do it again and again. Then figure out where your going to put this caustic material. Grinder will heat and heat fast, its slow, not to mention the consuming discs. If you have a shop vac and a bare shell I dont see clean up being too bad.