Which one is a cooler car

I have a 69 dart that I was thinking of cleaning up and fixing it up a bit and then offering it in the mopar trader for a comparable 70 duster because I am on this kick lately that I think 70 dusters are just the coolest cars ever and I have a 340 duster that is going to be beyond repair. I told my cousin of my intent and she says "your nuts, a 69 dart is 100 times cooler than any duster."

So what do you guys think, which is the cooler car. Now that I look at internet pictures and youtube videos of either one, now I cant decide which one is cooler.

The dart is NOT a 340 car but was a /6 so I would be trading for a non 340 duster, apples compared to apples. Either one would have the potential to be cloned into some really cool features. :supz:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln_tvNWBfPk"]70 Plymouth Duster Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3eO3cbpF3E"]1969 Dodge Dart Commercial - YouTube[/ame]