Opinions please. 833 Clutch issues

Might be time to REALLY get back to basics

1....You have mentioned your linkage. There is no reason in the world why the linkage cannot be bolted into these cars and just work. Having said that, you might have mismatched year/ model parts, bent, broke, worn

2....Pressure plate.......Pressure plates CAN be defective, bad in that they don't release properly. If you are in a city with a local clutch rebuild shop, they will have a test setup. Might be worth a shot. You keep mentioning "over center." There is no such thing. The release fingers on a BB can go nearly down to scraping on the disc

3.....As mentioned, motor mounts / transmission mounts. But the thing is, that's what the Z bar is for. Make darn sure it is NOT deflecting.

Might be time to get in there with a camera and mirror if necessary, take some photos, and compare your linkage / lever positions with other installations.

I fought a release problem in a 70 Cuda with a scattershield towards the end of my Navy days, and finally, on teardown, it turned out that disk material had gotten wedged in between the PP an clutch cover, preventing clean release. I could shift the damn thing as fast without the clutch as I could using it.

1. Parts have been gone through several times and as I mentioned thats how I learned about the 72 and up ball stud.

2.It is a brand new set up from brewers but I know how it goes so it could possibly be a pressure plate issue. It does feel like the fingers are scraping on the plate.

3. My motor is pretty radical and does jump around alot. My Z Bar is not 100% perfect in alignment but nothing so radical to cause deflection and it worked great before. when Im under the car watching the clutch everything moves nice and smooth and seems to have more than enough throw.
Guess its time to tear everything out again.