Ups crooks
In this case, TCI covered the return shipping.
Buddy protects himself by demanding cash up front so you might as well be dealing with a kijiji seller 2 provinces over.
He also used to change his prices daily based on the exchange rate...not sure if he still does now.. or are his prices still in US bucks ?..i cannot remember..I do know what he quoted me and a couple days later when I sent the monies, it was more...
Yes, that is the kicker..if you have to return something....if he doesn't, then you have to deal with Summit directly...not sure how that would work because they wholesale to him..
I try very hard to buy in Canada and in doing so, have found some things cheaper here..surprises me as well. The key is to factor in the shipping..and if coming across the border, duties and taxes ..and if you go usps, you tend to avoid those charges but it depends where the package crosses the border..
I was quite surprised to see 2kool still in business.
Sometimes full service costs more than fly by nighters but in the end, they may be cheaper...
I apologize for this rant but he (the owner) left a very bad taste in my mouth.. and I have never had trouble returning something back to the US...