New Trans, lost reverse...

Thanks guys! Good idea Dusterdragracer, maybe I'll contact summit again. I don't have a lack of ability, I'm a late model VW tech, and We've owned and operated our parts & repair business since 1962. I have a massive collection of tools, shop space, and ability. I am not however, an early model transmission tech, and I'm on a time crunch and thought that rather than horsing around it'd be easier\quicker just to put another trans in and either fix or have fixed the pa trans later and sell it or put it on the shelf. Trailbreze, I greatly appreciate your offer, I just think Fishy's comment was a low blow out of left field, as if he fixes his his dishwasher, fridge, plumbing, medical problems, any and every fixable problem he's ever come across. It just stunned me a bit since every other person I've seen on here has been overwhelmingly cool, not that he isn't, just an off response.