Will GM 200r4 work with factory floor shift location?

Slam n' jam!

I Slammed and Jammed today...even kicked some butt!! Got the tranny in and have a ton of information and two tons of pictures. Not sure where to start but first I'll show pics of the install and then make another post with more pics of the problems and solutions. Once I figured everything out it almost fell in place. Once I got the tranny past a certain point it lined up and all the studs engaged. When I raised the back end of the tranny I found some places that made contact with the housing. It wasn't a big deal because I had cut everything based on the pics that "Mopar To Ya" had posted so all I could do was estimate where the cuts needed to be. But once you get it hooked up to the engine you can easily see the spots that need a little more massaging (cutting/trimming).

When you're looking at the pics keep in mind that the home made lower cross member and trans mount brackets were made with extra material because I wasn't exactly sure where the mount stud would end up. So there is material that I still need to remove to make it look nice. Will have pics of the complete trans mount tomorrow.