Milodon Oil Pan problems

First I want to thank RealWing with the pictures and such from when he did his pan. I assumed I would have the same issues. Some I did have, some have been corrected.

First off my 6.1L dipstick is too long. Doesn't bother me. I'll just use some nuts and washers.

Second was the dipstick hole in the windage tray was out. Same as RealWing.

Milodon has at least corrected this issue. The oil pan reinforcing tab has been cut down from Milodon.

Now the final problem and I think this one is huge. The dipstick doesn't go into the pan. From the pictures below it shows that the dipstick hits the area where the weld is for the deep sump part.

Has anyone had this problem? Can anyone measure this back area of the pan and tell me if mine is out?

Planning to call Milodon tomorrow... wish me luck.

