FABO apology

Recently, I helped contribute to a bit of a $hit storm in a thread. I "aired" some of my beliefs/morals/values and opinions. Although we are all entitled to them, some are just better left unsaid. My beliefs/morals well, they are what they are. I WONT apologize for them, BUT I will apologize for being crass and airing them out publicly on this forum. Again I apologize.
I did go revisit the thread to try and edit what I posted, not to "hide" anything but just sometimes after a couple days I realized I shoulda kept my "mouth shut"
But the thread is closed, so no can do.
As you were...:toothy2:

We/Most of us has at one time or another 4spdragtop :glasses7: I missed the thread but
I would like to say what ever it was it is behind us and we all learn from these days we all have at one time or another :D Groovy to see this kind of post from anyone, Your good for sure in my oppinion :cheers: