Needing advice on 360

Were you running at high RPM when it blew ??

So could I have blown the head gasket on the driver's side and it blew white smoke out of passenger side? I hope I didn't crack the block but I can't see any cracks and the oil is not milky. I guess my next plan will be to pull the driver's side head and check it out when I have time.

Yes, either head gskt could leak compression into the cooling system,, you likely saw steam outta the same side as blew out of the water pump gskt.. ??

You need to pull both heads

I'm not really sure what would have caused this but I don't believe the smoke came from the other side. Could be wrong.

Is it possible that the waterpump gasket just blew,, and spewed enuff coolant into the air/cleaner that you saw steam out the back ??

You would see steam out back without going thru the engine...

While changing the pump gskt,, check the W/pump and t/cover gskt surfaces for true..

Most weak hoses, rads, gskts tend to blow at hi rpm..

food for thought

hope it helps