Rapom's Rocket - just another Duster build thread
Here is something I started working on last fall, continued on through the winter, and have still not completed but close. This is a pic of the dash the day I brought the car home. Remember this as the "before" pic. Not much there to work with but that was OK cuz I had a plan, long ago formulated in my mind, what I'd do if I ever built a "stick car". That was a custom Rally based dash. My opportunity to pick one up came before my move south when a friend of a friend, who had a field full of cars, was forced by the county to clean up his property. We got the word a couple of days before the crusher showed up to come get what we wanted from the 5 or 6 A bodies he had before they were remade into kitchen appliances. We made hurried preparations and hauled azz from the west side of WA state (Seattle) to the east side (Spokane). Arriving in the early afternoon we did a quick inventory. Man what a treasure trove of parts. I would of taken all of them off his hands had I some means of transport and a place to store them. Sadly we had less than a day to grab what we could and go. An orange '72 Duster gave up the trunk lid and rear bumper that now adorn my car. A green and white '69 Dart donated its Rally Dash frame with unmolested wiring harness, less the instrument bezel, and some drip rail trim before it got too dark to see. My two friends were hurriedly yanking disk brakes and K frames from a couple of Dusters along with some of the sheet metal off the green Dart. I know of a couple of floor shift columns that were available and a truck load of other desirable parts that were left for the crusher but we went out and celebrated a little too much after an awesome dinner. The next morning (afternoon), feeling like total s--t, we decided to limp our asses home and called it a day.