Man I do NOT have the suds, anymore

Since health tips for us geezers are being passed around I'll add this one..

COQ10... It's a natural enzyme that helps turn carbs into energy. I was told to take it when I was on medication for cholesterol. In Canada and Germany when a doctor prescribes an anti-cholesterol medication they also prescribe COQ10 to go with it. American doctors rarely prescribe vitamins.

I started feeling better within a couple weeks. I didn't even realize just how sluggish I was until I started to "come out" of it. I've been taking 200mg once a day for the past couple years.

More energy meant I was able to do more around the house which led to me eating less and losing weight. Without really dieting I've lost over 50 lbs since starting with the COQ10. I'm now off of the cholesterol med and my blood pressure is good.