Will GM 200r4 work with factory floor shift location?

Now we're talking good, hard DATA!! Something we can sink our teeth into. I understand what you are doing. I also have a vision of what I want my car to be and I'm willing to spend a bit of money on the car (like you). But I also like making/manufacturing/welding so the TCI route was best for me moneywise. I'll check the trans length tomorrow while the car is still on the rack. I also plan to take an exact measurement of the location (centerline) of the upper cross member relative to the 2004R housing and the 2004R mount. If I can tell everyone exactly where the center of the cross member crosses the 2004R housing it will make it a lot easier to manufacture a mount knowing how far back behind the cross member it needs to be (something I wish I had known in advance). If I had had this dimension beforehand I could have made the new trans mount much more precise and it would have taken less time to install.
I was able to get real close by having a spare 904 that I could place next to the 2004R. Then I butchered a 904 lower cross member to get it to go in the same linier location (front to back) on the 2004R. I had to leave a lot of extra material on the mount pieces to cut off after installation but it worked out perfect.
Wish I had EFI on my engine!!
