Lost Frost plugs

It's easier on a hoist,, but, I can't remeber ever not being able to get them all, cept behind the bellhousing..

I had a frost plug install tool,, but most often ended up using a 20 inch 1/2 drive extension,, by itself, or in combo with a 1/2 impact universal, and a socket that fit in the frost plug..

The extension itself, I ground a groove across the big square end of the extension to catch the edge of the plug,, and tapped on the socket end,, I'll get a pic later and post..

Those plugs usually pop out cuz the coolant froze.. is that possible?? If so,, take note of the 2 block drain plugs, that shoulda been removed to drain the block..

Cross you fingers, and hope for no other probs,, and maybe just drain a bit of oil from the pan, after adding coolant, to see if any coolant comes out.. Not trying to be alarmist,,

As Moper mentions,, pull the plugs and spin the motor after filling with coolant, prevent hydrolok and it's probs,, and hope you don't see any water come squirting out,, if no coolant,, install plugs.

I hope you're one of the "lucky" people,,.... I wasn't,, it was terminal,, and it was my 1st hemi...

hope it helps