Rapom's Rocket - just another Duster build thread

Update - my Flaming River steering coupler, purchased from fbcuda69, arrived in the mail yesterday and it is a very nice piece. It will take a bit of slop out of the steering and eliminates the rubber seal and grease of the factory coupler, which due to the close proximity to the header tubes, can suffer heat damage and then the melted grease makes a really nice mess of things. It doesn't provide any "plunge" to the column but with the chassis stiffening I've done I don't anticipate any issues in this area.

I didn't get the chance to go support bearing hunting but it is still on my to do list.

It's been raining heavily all morning so I spent a few hours ordering some stuff on the web. Detroit Muscle Technologies got $46 for a heater refurb kit + shipping, and I ordered an AMD hood scoop. I know, I know... Your thinking "AMD doesn't make any Mopar hood scoops" and you may be right. This is bound to provoke a reaction from the peanut gallery but that's all the info I'm willing to share at the moment. Wait and see, wait and see.

this is a worth while venture. i picked up a collar bearing. 52mm outside dia. and 1" inside. was $7. cut back the column housing and install. header clearance galore.