Fastest way for a scuff and squirt paint job

I would also recommend not painting it flat black, but anyways When we scuff cars at work for a color change we use gray scotchbrite and Transtart Ruff Stuff PN: 6337 I believe, But if I was dry scuffing it(without the paste) I would use red, but the scuff paste helps getting into the hard to scuff areas, put some of the paste on a tooth brush and brush it into places like around the door handles and around glass and whatnot, But your best bet is to remove all of these items for a color change.

Also as asked previously on clear peeling, If I was to fix it at the shop I would start by taking an air blower and see how much I can get to come off, next would be razor blade, and see how much comes off and delaminates. yes you can use a razor blade and not scratch the hell out of everything if you are careful. Next would be to depending on how hard it sands, it shouldn't be the bad, I would use either 120, 180 or 220, hell if its really easy to sand 320, but your final sand paper used should be 320 (imo) then a couple light coats of primer, I've seen guys try and cut corners(something Im not a fan of but to each his own) and not prime where there is a feather edge, like a clear edge and sometimes you can see it, I would say 9/10 you would see it, but it all depends on how picky you are, I would say I am VERY picky, why do it half *** and have it look alright vs doing it right the first time. if your looking at saving money and not sealing, you can value shade your primer to what color paint you are using that way you just wet sand or dry sand your primer and spray paint right over top. I would recommend primer though since its the best way IMO. Good luck guys