Single cylinder glaze honing?

Incidentally, the plug shows a bit of oil in that one cylinder, but we are finding that it seems to be coming via the intake; there is a lot oil residual goo in the intake and it is the most in that cylinder (#8) with the 2nd most in #7, also in the rear. I don't think the vehicle ever has had the PCV serviced. So, again, not likely it is this cylinder not sealing reasonably well.

That oil accumulation on one side of the plug is definately a sign of your oil consumption coming from a valve guide, intake gst, or as you suggest a PCV,,

If you replace the guide seals, and service the PCV,, check the plugs in 5k mi.. I bet there's little oil consumption on that plug..

If you scrape the pistons,, be sure to get every bit of that carbon outta the space between piston and wall,, cuz the first coupla times those cyls fire,, the explosion blows all that crap behind the rings, often adding to/creating a "sticking ring" condition..

hope it helps