
The last time it blew soot out of the car was kinda funny…. To me anyways. I had run the car into town first thing in the morning and when I returned I parked in the driveway instead of putting it in the garage like I always do. My wife came home and she parked right behind me. Mind you she has a white mini cooper. I figured I had better get my Duster in the garage so she could pull her car closer to the house and off the sidewalk. I got in fired her up (mind you she started up quick no throttle used) I pulled into the garage turned around and her white mini now had TWO huge black eyes! I have since held white paper in front of the exhaust and have gotten minimal soot on the paper. I am not sure what the cause was that day. Maybe it didn’t like the mini being so close.

2darts. I found one website that showed my casting number
Cylinder head casting number 3769973 1975[FONT=&quot]

LoL on the soot story.

Found the casting, as you have noted, in my cross-reference book. (Blame the old age combination on senility and poor eyesight on my error). Whatever. It is still a big chambered head, with low compression using a stock piston.

Good luck