How'd ya run against this???

that might be true about meeting with the bean counters, but what the hell do they do the rest of their days? Talk on how they gonna spend the $200,00 they just stuffed in their pockets?????You can only get paid for doing that for so long! BEFORE the money doesn't come in any more then work begins to catch it back up again!

I hate to tell you this, all those big Execs don't care about us. All they care about is the millions in bonuses that they get each year. :wack:

The rest of their days they go to the plants and become "seagull managers". :pain10:

Come in and make alot of noise and then go back to the "glass palace" in Auburn Hills. :-x

It was the people 3-5 levels below them that actually do any work and make anything happen. All they do is go to meetings all day. We wouldn't want them to get their hands dirty or god forbid a spot on their suit or tie.... :oops:

I used to have to give presentations to them and the Plant Managers every other week about warranty and what we were doing to reduce it. No matter what we did, they never told us that we did a good job, even when the data showed it. They would just bring up another issue to bash us on. :violent1: If I wanted to listen to someone *****, I would have gone home to my wife.... :laughing:

All they care about is the stock price and the shareholders. At the end of the day, they have to answer to the stock holders why the stock is not at a higher value. They make alot of bad decisions because they only look forward with blinders on, not to the long term. Not to mention that they want the stock prices up so their bonuses which includes money (Literally millions per year) and stock options. :D

The only exec that was worth a ****, they let go. They should have promoted Bob Lutz to CEO when Lee Iococca retired. No they go get Bob Eaton the piece of **** from GM Europe to come in and then sell out the company within a year and a half. He took around 9 million bonus for selling them out (in addition to the 4-5 million annual bonus he got along with a hefty yearly salary) and disappeared. Then the Germans strip the company of its assets and sell it off later. :finga:

Bob Lutz was the exec responsible for getting the Viper into production. He was a car guy and understood the car guy mentality. The others.... Not So Much....